We try to make everything perfect, to the best of our combined abilities
We are very excited about our new Outdoor Shower Pergola! Here's why:
This is our first pitched roof pergola
You can have it with or without the steel roof
You can customize the size and colors
This is built with cast square columns
We use only cast capitals and bases: No plastic or foam
The shower walls are two inches thick
When you walk in the changing room is straight ahead
The shower and changing room are each about 4'x4'
You can choose the color of the steel roof
Lots of lighting options available
We can provide matching benches
We paint with Benjamin Moore's Command Paint
Made with pride in the USA
Please call and speak with Mike Hurlburt for pricing information: 800 344-5103
Our Outdoor Shower
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Outdoor Shower
This is another new design for 2023!
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Outdoor Shower
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
Baldwin Outdoor Shower Pergola
The rigidity of the pergola is derived from the stability of the connection to the Earth. The importance of big, solid footings which are placed accurately, cannot be overstated.
The rigidity of the pergola is derived from the stability of the connection to the Earth.
Concrete footings: 14" Diameter minimum for 10" square and 12" round columns.
Our site plan will show a diagonal dimension. This helps you square the footings to each other.
Concrete pad: Should be poured 12" deep in the area where the columns will stand.
Stone wall: It's best to drill 18" deep into the well built, mortared stone wall.
Concrete pier: Wet set our 5/8" stainless steel rods into the footing then build the pier
Tolerance factor: Footings should be placed accurately with an overall error margin of less than an inch.
Conduit in footings: Bring a sweep into your footing with the center about three inches off center.
Deck mounted: Ask us for PDF drawings of best practice connection methods.
It is the customers responsibility to make sure that an adequate mounting surface is in place. The customer is responsible for
supplying relevant dimensions such as the depth and width of column centers and overall height requirements for the structure.
All dimensions, including overhangs and member spacing are completely customizable during the design process. At the time of installation, nothing can be changed.
Standing a column up onto a concrete footing. We previously drilled the footing and epoxied a 5/8" stainless steel threaded rod into the footing.
Gather Your Measurements
Measurements are taken from column centers, our typical overhang is 24 inches
A freestanding pergola that measures 120" x 120" on center will have an overall size of 168" x 168"
An attached pergola that measures 120" x 120" on center will have an overall size of 144" deep x 168" wide
All dimensions, including overhangs and member spacing are completely customizable
Use our Pricing Tool
Our pricing tool let's you design your pergola in real time and get an actual price
You will see a plan view CAD drawing of your pergola
You can consider our electrical options, a shade system and/or our installation service